Saturday, 3 January 2009


Picture this.

A desolate landscape, with a towering hill, that leans against the sky. You are at the bottom. looking up. The air is a still silence, warm and hazy. Colours are luminescent and they seep into the sound. Dotted down the hill are electricity towers, that look like skeletons. Thin lines of cable join them together as though they were holding hands.. There are neon blue waves of light pulsating down each line. The only sound is the constance from the movement of energy. You can hear your own heart beat, pulsating in rhythm. Birds flutter, and take off from the cables, where they were once sat, leaving traces of neon light, and crackling sparks.

The grass is a long dry green, but soft and swaying. There are dandelions that fizz and sparkle. A static shock to the touch, sending segments drifting into the stillness of the air, almost in slow motion.

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