Sunday, 3 August 2008

Humming bird, You've lost your bedroom eyes.

It's a nice warm evening here. I've just settled down and began to watch Miss Potter, over a bowl of Country Crisp.

'There's something delicious about writing the first words of a story. You can never quite tell where they will take you'

It makes me wonder exactly why I even sit here and scatter these thoughts and words across a page. I wondered if I was just keeping an online diary, a diary which holds no privacy at all. I often think I am an open book. Or perhaps I am writing some unintentional, kind of manifesto, or maybe, it's a bit of allsorts. As i don't really write this for anyone specifically. I am not vein enough to think anyone would be the slighest bit interested in my chatter. All the same, I love to type and reflect so there we are.

Now this line is amazing...

'You see, we cannot stay at home all our lives, we must present ourselves to the world, and we must look upon it as an adventure'
Something I need to remind myself, only too often.

Today I have been dreaming and dreaming and dreaming some more. I really must start collecting them up in jars, for rainy days. As I'd hate to forget some of them. I really am quite eager to draw at this very moment, but I only ever reach the same problem. My drawing ability is nowhere near as strong as my ability to conjure up some thoughts. I'm almost certain that the perfect occupation for me, would to be a dream seller. I could just sell people my idea's and dreams and words, in jars. People like me, and you, could wake up on a morning and pour themselves a cup of coffee, (or tea, if you are a tea person. Coffee has an acquired taste.) reach into the cupboard for a jar of dreams and spread it thickly, just like jam, on their two slices of toast.

Oh yes, sincere apologies for the half images in my previous addition. I didn't realise that they had to be a certain size. An error I shan't make again. Fret not.

We found a field at sunset. The grass was tall and covered with flowers. We lay a while, and with each exhale, I felt myself sink in to the earth, imagining the strands of grass and leaves wrapping themselves around me and pulling me into the ground, covering my like a blanket. Making me a part of them, as much as the clouds are apart of the sky.

Inspire the inspired x

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